South Africa Lotto and Powerball results APP


man literally washing the banknotes in water

Is there corruption in National Lotteries Commission?

NLC, which is responsible for funding good causes with lottery money may be corrupted. NLC management refused to show the list of beneficiares. Then, the list leaked and contained many questionable grants.

Publication: 02.07.2020

homeless man sleeping in the street

10 most stupid lottery winners

Get ready to find out how stupiditly people can act after winning the lottery. These people lost all money in very short time.

Publication: 02.06.2020

books on the shelf

15 best books about gambling, gamblers, and lottery!

Want something to read? Why not a books about gambling? Many authors has written stories about gambling, especially in the past.

Publication: 21.05.2020

word fraud written in the notebook, banknotes lying around

Is Lottery a scam? Popular myth debunked

Do lotteries cheat by knowing players numbers before the draw? Read the article to find out what is more possible - hard to pull scam or simple math odds.

Publication: 19.05.2020

gate locked with a lock

How coronavirus pandemic affects the lottery and gambling industry?

Gambling industry and Lotteries around the world suffers very much because of the coronavirus pandemic. Social distancing causes loses in revenue and most of companies are affected badly.

Publication: 12.05.2020

a hand making a pattern from white tablets saying covid 19

National Lottery stays operational during covid-19 pandemic

Lottery in South Africa stays operational during the coronavirus pandemic. Players and Lotto staff are encouraged to take safety measures.

Publication: 25.03.2020

Soweto in South Africa - city of Powerball winner

Who won R114 Million in National Lottery Powerball?

Are you wondering who won R114 million in Powerball recently? It was South African 35-years-old woman.

Publication: 13.02.2020

sportstake 13

Sportstake 13 results for 20 january 2020 (20.01.2020)

Sportstake 13 results for 20 january 2020 (20.01.2020) and prizes list. South Africa Weekend Fixture List 1332.

Publication: 20.01.2020

cash paid out to players

National Lottery paying out to players in 2019 - R2.5 Billion!

Year 2019 is already very generous to South African players. It seems that National Lottery controlled by Ithuba has already paid out more than R2.5 Billion in prizes!

Publication: 25.10.2019

Mercedes Benz - yellow color

National Lottery Raffle 2019 - sales open 20 October!

Raffle is back! Buy your ticket on 20 October 2019 to have a chance winning one of ten Marcedes Benz cabriolets or R4.6 Million cash prizes!

Publication: 17.10.2019

statistics printed on the white paper

Daily Lotto statistics available now!

Since the "Daily Lotto" start in April 2019 we have enough data to make some statistics and present them on the webpage. We have selected the best datasets to show you.

Publication: 29.05.2019

stripe letters making word "humble"

Honest lottery clerk gives back the lost ticket worth millions

What is the probability of meeting a truly honest man? Is this value equal to the chance of winning the lottery? It happens from time to time and this players could feel it well when he retrieved lost ticket.

Publication: 08.04.2019

man showing stop gesture with his hand

PICK 3 game is canceled from 15 March 2019!

Ithuba announced that the Pick 3 game will be removed from the National Lottery portfolio from 15 March 2019.

Publication: 13.03.2019

sitting woman showing many dollar baknotes

Who won R8,7 million Lotto prize?

Story of the man who helped his family because of the great win in the Lotto in South Africa. A dad of three has won almost R9 million in Lotto few months ago and claimed the prize just now.

Publication: 26.02.2019

Santa Claus ironing his outfit

National Lottery Christmas Raffle 2018 starting 21 October!

The raffle is back! Ticket prizes are higher and the prize pool is smaller. I starts 21 October and closes 29 December 2018. Will you win one of the six houses (main prize)?!

Publication: 20.10.2018

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